Polinger Company manages 3 million square feet of commercial office, retail, and mixed-use space throughout the Washington, DC Metropolitan area. See our portfolio below.
Office, Retail, and Mixed-Use Properties

2401 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, DC 82,260 sq ft
601 New Jersey Avenue
Washington, DC 260,694 sq ft
Washington, DC 234,782 sq ft
Air Park
Gaithersburg, MD 75,000 sq ft
Air Park 2
Gaithersburg, MD 80,720 sq ft
Bethesda Place I
Bethesda, MD 328,564 sq ft
Bethesda Place II
Bethesda, MD 205,782 sq ft
Capitol Plaza I
Washington, DC 291,838 sq ft
Charleston Industrial
Rockville, MD 85,336 sq ft
Chevy Chase Building
Chevy Chase, MD 304,876 sq ft
Executive Plaza
North Bethesda, MD 326,660 sq ft
Rockville, MD 46,188 sq ft
Metro East (8400)
Landover, MD 147,110 sq ft
Rockville, MD 40,449 sq ft
Rockville, MD 59,921 sq ft
Van Ness Center
Washington, DC 223,362 sq ft
WillowWood I
Fairfax, VA 123,943 sq ft